Are you passionate about working in a team of like-minded people? Go ahead and read more about us to find out whether we have something in common.

Join our team!

Our team consists of perfectionists and open-minded people. Here, at TAJSOFT, we help companies and enterprises to achieve their goals faster by implementing the latest digital trends and developing complex functionality from scratch. We always look for the best decisions and are able to put our experience to work for you. Radical honesty is one of our key values. We admire inventiveness, flexibility, and critical thinking combined with open-mindedness and the ability to work in a team.

Are you an ambitious developer, an observant tester, a creative designer, or just a motivated guy who wants to become a part of the IT community? That being so, check for our open positions and demonstrate all your skills in web, mobile development, UI/UX design, or IT-related matters. Our team is constantly growing. We need you here!


  • Work process
    • Flexible 40-hour working week
    • Comfortable office space with permanent access to electricity and a bomb-shelter nearby
    • Accountant support and tax coverage
    • Possibility of providing technical equipment and support.
    • Regular assessment and technical review
  • Bonuses
    • Anniversary bonuses
    • Referral bonuses
    • IT Club partnership
    • TAJSOFT benefits package
  • Benefits
    • Internal English courses
    • Paid vacation and sick leave
    • Additional leave for personal occasions and for university students or attending external courses

TAJSOFT is my first job in IT, and I am glad that I’m here. I like that there is a friendly team as well as flexible and indulgent management. Despite the fact that in 5 years there have been many different situations, the company has always found a solution that suited me. In my opinion, this is a great place for beginners as well as for experienced professionals.


Front-end developer

I have been working at TAJSOFT for 4 years. From the first day, I was pleased to notice such a friendly attitude. Later, I realized that I was in a team of like-minded people that helped me to adapt quickly. Sometimes it was not easy. But every difficult situation is an important experience. I am glad that there is always a team of designers who support and, if necessary, help)


Web Developer

Flutter Team Lead

August 9, 2023

Hey! TAJSOFT is looking for a highly motivated and skilled, to join our fast-growing team. We are eager and creative professionals, who like challenges.
If you like it too, don’t hesitate, join us!


August 9, 2023

Hey! TAJSOFT is looking for a highly motivated and skilled, to join our fast-growing team. We are eager and creative professionals, who like challenges.
If you like it too, don’t hesitate, join us!